May 5, 2016 just for fun

Bad Ass Creative?

Are you a bad ass creative who is looking for an award, in whatever… then here’s your chance (thanks to good ol’ Jessica Hische). Customise and click…      

Make a Christmas Angel from Penhouse

We’re wishing you a colourful and creative Christmas from the angels here at Penhouse! Download our origami angel template here, follow the simple instructions and make us up to sit in your tree, on your desk, or table centrepiece! Get…read more »

National Ploughing Championships in Ratheniska, Laois

It’s around the corner now and a hive of activity here in the countryside. Lots of excitement locally as final preparations are in place here in Ratheniska to host the National Ploughing Championships yet again this year. Ploughers will compete…read more »

Kokeshi Matches

Don’t you just love these! It’s yet more cool stuff from Japan. Kokeshi: matches with faces, started as a product of pure creativity in 1994, as a part of a group exhibition. Kumi Hirasaka hand drew faces onto the heads…read more »

Coolest use of a QR Code – EVER!

Istanbul’s Berrge Studio needed a new tattoo artist for their studio  so they came up with this clever print ad. It’s a unique way to weed out serious potential employees from the ones who just think it’ll be a fun job….read more »

February 20, 2013 Foodie, just for fun, stuff we like

chocolate stamps

  As you may be aware we are fond of a box or two of chocolates here now & again. Imagine our surprise when we heard the latest in the chocolate news from Belgium. The Belgian postal service has launched…read more »

3D Printed Children’s Art

Scribbles stuck on the fridge door not enough? We recently came across a fab website called Crayon Creatures. Barcelona-based designer Bernat Cuni describes his new venture as  ‘a service to turn children’s drawings into figurines; nice looking designer objects to decorate the home and office…read more »

January 25, 2013 illustration, just for fun, penhouse

The Big Egg Hunt for Jack and Jill

What excitement! We’ve been asked to join the select few and decorate a giant egg for the The Big Egg Hunt in Dublin 2013. Time is tight (we only got the egg today), but the heads are buzzing with ideas….read more »

December 16, 2011 just for fun, penhouse

Make a Reindeer this Christmas, from Penhouse

This Christmas we are sending our Christmas wishes digitally, so we’re sending you a Penhouse Reindeer which can be downloaded on our website. We’re inviting you to print it and make it, pop it in a good position and if…read more »

September 21, 2011 15, just for fun, penhouse, stuff we like

Culture Night 2011 in Laois

Crop Marks – The Ratheniska Project exhibition opened in full for Culture Night 2011 and will remain on display until October 21st in Dunamaise Arts Centre, Portlaoise, in the upstairs ‘Drawing Room’ gallery. Thanks to the brilliant contributions by the…read more »

App…itising Cupcakes

App…itising cupcakes – Sweet

April 20, 2011 just for fun, stuff we like

The Chicks love Chocolate…

Its the ‘Chocolate’ time of year again and we all know it induces the ‘happy’ hormone, its cheaper than therapy and you don’t need an appointment, so partake and enjoy. As we like to say here “If at first you…read more »

February 11, 2011 animation, illustration, just for fun

Feelin some tiger Love…

a bit of lovin’ fun

Gotta love those ‘Deliciously stylish’ walls

Read about this before, and forgot to follow up with it, till I saw the piece in Design Week, what a thrill! Beautifully illustrated walls will grace the premises of the Zizzi Ristorante pizza houses, each created by a different…read more »

Creatives + Cake = Sweet…

What a super idea…combine the talents of creatives and artists with some of UK’s most talented cake makers for a delicious exhibition!

feast yourselves

What a simple and truly lovely idea! Meet your neighbours at your local street feast – a garden party, a street bash or pals in the park – bring your community together and have some fun in the process. We’re…read more »

colourful trees…

thanks to our junior designers, Noah and Simon, who took it upon themselves to decorate our drab winter tree trunks with colourful patterns in chalk. Don’t they look great? We have asked them to look at the orchard trees next…read more »

January 29, 2010 just for fun, random inspiration

Dress your legs up!

How cool are these tights from Les Queues de Sardines? Screen-printed by hand in limited quantities, these will never go unnoticed. Their range of stockings and tights showcase their unconventional and unique graphic style.

January 22, 2010 just for fun, stuff we like

No time for games…

This is a little game, more advanced than patience… A lot less advanced than our wii but addictive and fun. Don’t know who to credit for it, but squire posted it and I love it, thanks mark! Click HERE to…read more »

December 21, 2009 just for fun, stuff we like

Wishing you some Penhouse Happiness* this Christmas

*happiness is… peace and goodwill : positive thinking : a well deserved holiday : a fresh start : thierry henry switching to basketball : rugby heroes & grand slam wins : winning 2 awards in 2009! : making clients smile…read more »

October 30, 2009 just for fun, stuff we like

Happy (designer) Halloween…

Be creative with your pumpkin carving this Halloween, some great results from the artists with Anna Goodson Management, cast your vote for your favourites, lots to choose from, and have a very Happy Halloween Save

October 2, 2009 just for fun, stuff we like

Can you have your cake and eat it?

So Friday is our ‘bake day’ and today it was Gill’s turn. Being all creative, Gill decided to attempt the Penhouse logo in a giant eclair! We reckon Gill can improve on this (check out the photo), so next week…read more »

September 25, 2009 just for fun, stuff we like

sweet friday…

So every Friday is cake day here, and each of us takes a turn as the official ‘cake supplier’. These are Fiona’s buns, and they taste as good as they look! Next time you plan a visit, consider a Friday,…read more »

May 19, 2009 just for fun, typography

think you know your fonts?

Think you know your fonts? Try out this game (from London design agency Deep) and find out how good your font knowledge really is.
